Program at a Glance

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Day 1, Thursday, November 7, 2024

KALC-IC 2024 Program at a glace, Day1, Thursday, November 7, 2024
(Grand Ballroom 3)
(Grand Ballroom 2)
(Grand Ballroom 1)
08:20-08:30 Opening
08:30-09:10 Satellite Symposium I (A)
09:10-09:20 Break
09:20-10:20 Session I (A) New generation of immunotherapy Session I (B) Interventional Pulmonology in Thoracic Malignancy Session I (C) Low-Dose Computed Tomography Lung Cancer Screening:
An Update
10:20-10:35 Coffee Break
10:35-11:35 Session II (A) DCs in thoracic oncology Session II (B) Treatment of Lung Cancer in Patients with
Severe Respiratory Diseases
Session II (C) Joint Symposium with HIRA (*KOR)
11:35-11:50 Coffee Break
11:50-12:30 Plenary Session I - Prof. Benjamin Besse (Paris-Saclay University, France)
12:30-13:10 Luncheon Symposium I
13:10-13:30 Coffee Break
13:30-14:30 Session III (A) Update of Thymic tumors Session III (B) Management of Ultra-Central Lung Tumor Session III (C) Optimal treatment for elderly patients
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break
14:45-15:45 Session IV (A) Update of EGFR-mutant NSCLC Session IV (B) Optimal Treatment Approaches and Sequential Strategies for Brain Metastases from NSCLC Session IV (C) Oral Presentation I
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:40 Satellite Symposium II (A) Satellite Symposium II (B)

Day 2, Friday, November 8, 2024

KALC-IC 2024 Program at a glace, Day1, Thursday, November 7, 2024
(Grand Ballroom 3)
(Grand Ballroom 2)
(Grand Ballroom 1)
08:20-09:00 Satellite Symposium III (A) Satellite Symposium III (B) Satellite Symposium III (C)
09:00-09:10 Break
09:10-10:10 Session V (A) Small Cell Lung Cancer Recent Update Session V (B) Updates on Lung Cancer Pathology Session V (C) Oral Presentation II
10:10-10:25 Coffee Break
10:25-11:25 Session VI (A) Immunotherapy in early-stage NSCLC Session VI (B) Updates on Emerging Biomarkers and Technologies for Lung Cancer Session VI (C) Oral Presentation III
11:25-11:40 Coffee Break
11:40-12:20 Luncheon Symposium II
12:20-12:50 KALC General Meeting
12:50-13:30 Plenary Session II - Prof. Tony Shu Kam Mok (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
13:30-13:50 Coffee Break
13:50-14:50 Session VII (A) Treatment of NSCLC with rare mutations Session VII (B) Lung cancer surgery after neoadjuvant immunotherapy Session VII (C) 5 year Anniversary Symposium – National Lung Cancer Screening Program Part 1 (*ENG)
14:50-15:05 Coffee Break
15:05-16:05 Session VIII (A) Incorporating ctDNA assays in clinical practice Session VIII (B) Surgical options for advanced lung cancer Session Vll (C) 5 year Anniversary Symposium – National Lung Cancer Screening Program Part 2 (*ENG)
16:05-16:30 Closing & Award Ceremony